Vacation Plant Care
Why get a plant sitter?
Plants thrive when they get consistent, high-quality care. To ensure your plants thrive, send a Plant Nurse if you're going to be away for 2+ weeks.
What's Included?
✅ Watering
✅ Fertilizing
✅ One complementary repottng with a customized soil blend
✅ Plant Pruning & Trimming
✅ Pest Management & Treatment
✅ Leaf Cleaning & Dusting
How does it work?
1. Confirm Dates
Connect with our team to share the dates you need plant care.
2. Virtual Meet-n-Greet
Connect with our team to get a sense of the plants you have and key plant goals for your vacation.
3. Take Care
We come to your house on the agreed upon schedule to care for your plant. This can include watering, fertilizing, pruning, as needed.