Vacation Plant Care

Why get a plant sitter?

Plants thrive when they get consistent, high-quality care. To ensure your plants thrive, send a Plant Nurse if you're going to be away for 2+ weeks.

What's Included?

✅ Watering

✅ Fertilizing

✅ One complementary repottng with a customized soil blend

✅ Plant Pruning & Trimming

✅ Pest Management & Treatment

✅ Leaf Cleaning & Dusting

  • 1. Confirm Dates

    Connect with our team to share the dates you need plant care.

  • 2. Virtual Meet-n-Greet

    Connect with our team to get a sense of the plants you have and key plant goals for your vacation.

  • 3. Take Care

    We come to your house on the agreed upon schedule to care for your plant. This can include watering, fertilizing, pruning, as needed.